Monday, January 24, 2011

Star Wars Jawa Ion Blaster Rifle

yeap...fully made from scratch.  sold it to my good friend for his son who will be a Jawa.  look so nice i did not want to let it go.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

DIY dc15s RC pistol (in progress)

OK finished the basic structure this weekend.  Did eye all by eye and from online pics.  Will add on a few more detail tonight and them putty and paint.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Arc Cover Project

Doing up a DIY cover project for my ARC.  Got some scrap PU to play with.
Cool high l set from a friend of mine.  and my court yard bio degrade bic pen.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Staple Arc in my care package

I am an American ex pat working in Asia....and yes i do miss home so my sis do send me care packages once a month...last month she sent me some Staple Arc jr black leather for Christmas which was i got the letter size.  Can't wait to use its for my little sketches.  (Jr size being used as boring not taker and to do list.....)

Little Green Tea Cookies

Got a pack of these at Daiso.  Green Tea Cookies....I got to say Japanese sure love attractive graphics........anyone wants a pack do drop me an email...willing to trade for some star wars figures...hehehe.

WOOHOO!!!! First post on my blog

Ok while doing research for my marketing project i happen to stumble across a huge community of DIY folks.  From arts and craft to everyday planner and stuff.  Even though i have stopped skectching for a while or doing any design work i have refocused my creative side to makeing DIY props.  However i will expand on more sketching of ideas and creative planner stuff....which is what i do for my work anyway....i am a paper pusher...HAHAHA.

for my first post i would like to share my new year project.....a DIY DC17 blaster.......enjoy.